On a flop of [Qc3d2d], Kamoru Yusuf was already all in when Steve Marco bet 25,000 but was then raised to 100,000 by Sam Rosborough.
Marco then responded by moving all in and Rosborough quickly flicked in a chip to call, putting himself at risk.
Marco tables [KcQd] for top pair but is in bad shape when Rosborough rolls over [KsKh]. The turn [10d] gives Marco some hope with a diamond draw, but the river is the brick [Jc] to score Rosborough the pot, eliminating Yusuf.
Left short, Marco moved all in the very next hand with king-four but was called by none other than Rosborough with ace-queen. The board did not provide salvation for Marco and he was eliminated.
"Man, you really kicked my ass there..." Marco sighed and shook his head as he headed to the payout desk.
Sam Rosborough - 915,000
Steve Marco - Eliminated
Kamoru Yusuf - Eliminated