Level 19: Blinds 6k/12k/12k
Linh Dinh opened to 40,000 but then Dennis Brand moved all in for a whopping 560,000 and action folded back around to Dinh who went into the tank.
"Wow, that's a huge raise!" Dinh was stunned. "Why so big?? Ok, you can have it," he said as he showed the [As].
Dennis Brand then showed him the goods of [8c5c] for a monster eight-high and the whole table erupted.
"Wow, great bet sir! Well played, I had ace-eight!" Dinh smiled and shook his head as the pot was pushed to Brand.
Someone then mentioned that Brand didn't even look at his hand before he shoved, to which Brand replied,
"I don't look at my hand until I bet so you can't get a read off me!" To which the table erupted in another round of laughter.
