Chander Jain opened to 85,000 from UTG with [Ad5d] and was called by Youn Noh [7s7h], Wes Cutshall [Q 10 d], and Tony Bunch [As6s] to see a flop of [8d4d4h].
Jain then continued for 205,000 with his nut flush draw and is only called by Noh with his pair to see the turn [5h].
After some thought, Jain ripped it all in for 950,000 and Noh went into the tank.
After a good while, Noh decided to make the call to put Jain at risk and the cards were tabled.
Jain needed an ace, five, or diamond to stay alive, but the river [3c] did not do it and he was eliminated in 9th place as the first casualty at the final table.
