Rachelle Park moved all in preflop with [AdKs] and then Jared Eskandari moved all in for more with [KcKd]. The action was then on Jacob Daniels who thought about it for a few seconds with [7x7x] but decided to let it go.
He would instantly regret that decision as the flop came out [6s7s3h] and he would have made top set. The runout of [8h9c] declared Eskandari the winner with his kings and Park was sent to the payout desk.
The very next hand, David Shaw moved all in pre with [AhKs] but was quickly snapped off by Daniels who somehow woke up with [AdAs] to put Shaw in a bad spot. The runout of [Js2c7h9s2h] did no favors for Shaw and he was eliminated in 15th place while Daniels increased his chip lead.
Jacob Daniels -5,600,000
David Shaw - Eliminated in 15th - $5,700
Rachelle Park - Eliminated in 16th - $4,690