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Patel Goes Runner-Runner to Bust Dulaney & Touchet ($1,050)

Short-stacked Allen Touchet moved all in preflop for 26,000 and received four calls before it got around to 'Fireman' Scott Dulaney.

"POT!" He declared as he set out 156,000 after a proper count of the pot.

Current chip leader Jignesh Patel was the only player to make the call and the three players went to a flop of [2c6dJc].

"I'm all in," Dulaney announced as he slid his remaining 250,000 into the pot and Patel tossed out a bounty chip to signify a call.

Allen Touchet: [KhKs5c4s]

'Fireman' Scott Dulaney: [AcAh9c6h]

Jignesh Patel: [Qc8c7h4c]

"Wow, nice hand, I'm dead," Patel said to Dulaney who had him completely crushed with his pocket aces and nut flush draw.

However, the runout was especially gross as the turn came the [3d] to give Patel three outs to a non-club 5. And just like that, the river smacked down the miracle [5s] to give him the straight to scoop the huge pot and sent Touchet and Dulaney to the payout desk in 12th and 11th for a payout of $1,050.


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